Science in the KitchenLab & in the LanguageLab Science in the KitchenLab & in the LanguageLab

Author: Malgorzata Zajaczkowska, Piotr Klosowski and Anna Roginska

Origin: POLAND

Implemented in: Portugal, Lithuania and Czech Republic

This GP is based on the idea that a kitchen is just like a science laboratory. It is the objective of this GP that students understand that not only are the products stored under the sink chemicals, but also all the ingredients that are used to cook are made up of chemical compounds. The lesson is built on experiments called “Invisible Chemistry”, which are based on the properties of a few water solutions, such as table salt, baking soda and vinegar mixed with water. Students have to learn that there are substances in water which they can find using their senses and there are others which they can identify using tools. The students have to carry out experiments, observe the colour changes of the water solutions, describe them using scientific explanations of the chemical reactions and record the data by filming and taking photos.

Success stories

Each of the teachers who implemented this GP said that the fact that it asked the students to work with materials closely related to everyday life increased the students’ motivation incredibly. Students were familiar with most of the substances and even use them in their daily lives, but they were surprised to see these substances and material could be used in chemical experiments and not only serve as food or drink. A Czech teacher said that the “students had a lot of fun during the lessons.” Concerning the fact that the GP was meant to be taught in English, all the teachers agreed that it was a good exercise for the students to prepare the final presentations in English. This was not easy for the students, but during the whole process they learned many scientific terms. A Portuguese teacher summed up the effect and success of this GP by saying: “The students showed great interest in the activities proposed, executed them with enthusiasm, and repeated them at home with their family and friends. The materials used were easy to find and so I think this is an activity that easily adapts to the curricula of different countries and educational realities. It has an excellent hands-on nature, and is perfectly framed in the spirit of inquiry-based learning.”

Materials Materials

The practice

Science in the KitchenLab & in the LanguageLab

The Moodle course

Science in the KitchenLab & in the LanguageLab Moodle